Bring Inspiring Girls to your campus

It is alarming to note that a significant number of girls aged 11-21 feel constrained by societal expectations and stereotypes.

41% believe that certain subjects or careers are expected of them solely based on their gender. Furthermore, a staggering 67% of young women believe that they do not have the same professional opportunities as their male counterparts.

Despite these challenges, research has shown that exposure to female role models can have a positive impact on the aspirations and career choices of young girls. In fact, statistics reveal that 70% of girls have a renewed sense of hope for their future after hearing from successful women in various fields. Additionally, girls are twice as likely to consider careers in STEM when they have access to and can learn from female role models working in these fields.

It is with this in mind that we have made it our mission to break down gender stereotypes and empower girls to pursue their dreams by connecting them with exceptional female role models from various backgrounds and fields.

About our program


Our program is designed to be highly flexible and easily incorporated into an existing curriculum, without adding additional burden to students and schools. It is highly customizable, allowing for a tailored approach that fits the specific needs and goals of each participating school and student. By being mindful of the workload and resources available, we strive to create a program that is both impactful and sustainable.


Our Role Models come from a wide variety of industries and professional backgrounds, ensuring a diverse range of perspectives and experiences for the students to learn from. However, we also place a strong emphasis on "careers of the future", specifically those in Sustainability, STEM, and Art & Culture. By focusing on these fields, we aim to not only inspire students to consider careers they may not have previously considered but also to equip them with the skills and knowledge that will be highly sought after in the future job market.


Our program is designed to be inclusive and accessible to all students, regardless of their language background. Therefore, we offer the program in both Chinese and English and we ensure that the Role Models we recruit for each school match the language preferences of the students. This allows for a more personalized and effective learning experience for all participants.

What girls say about joining our program

“I had always been very afraid of failures, but she [the Role Model speaker] made me realize that failure is part of the path to success. It’s something that we will experience, but as long as we can pick ourselves up, it’s going to be fine.”

— Form 4 student from St. Teresa Secondary School

“ I really enjoyed the fact that we were able to talk to Role Models frequently and learn very useful daily life lessons, whether it’s about self-confidence and how to build it up or about self-worth. I feel like this program really helped me build more self-confidence and learn to rely on other people.”

— Year 10 student from French International School